
This blog is a fake. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Welcome to MySpace!

Welcome back! Wow... did you lose weight? You look good! Does that boost make you feel better about yourself? Well that's how we feel after this week. This week the kids went back home to spent the week with their families. We do this every year because we feel that even though camp life and experiences are important, family is always number one. So, with this week off to gather our thoughts and ideas, we here at Be-Near Music Camp decided to go off the yellow brick road and try something a little unconventional. We spent this week looking into ways we can spread our message, music, and image around to people who would see it the most. We came up with this!

The Be-Near Music Camp officially announces our partnership with MySpace! You read that correctly, MySpace! Now, before you start judging, lets clear some predetermined opinions you think you might have about MySpace.

Q: How is MySpace that different Facebook, Twitter, etc;
A: MySpace was once the original Facebook! But once Facebook was released, it became a thing of the past. very quickly. And because of that, a very cool thing happened. MySpace became a very small group of people, but a very connected group of people. Because of this, the music industry decided to utilize this tight-knit market to advertise and offer their services to..

Q: Why chose a small, niche market to target when you're already on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Blogger?
A: Simply put, because we want to give more to our fans on a more personal level. By using MySpace, we can offer more to our friends and followers on this page compared to what we could using say Facebook or Twitter. This partnership is the best possible thing for you! Our fans!

Q: What do you plan on using this page for?
A: We want to post videos and audio recordings that our students do to this page! These kids have outstanding talent and we want the world to see it first hand! At the end of this blog posting, we will post a link to the MySpace page so you guys can add us and watch us grow!

I know this is a lot to handle, and can be a bit overwhelming, but this is information we felt was important to share with all of you! We hope that this way all of you will be able to keep up with our students performances.  Below is the link to the page!